A Government Of West Bengal Enterprise | CIN : U40109WB2007SGC113473

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SMS & Missed Call Services

Always at your service

SMS & Missed Call Services

Few Important steps for WBSEDCL Consumer Service

WBSEDCL has introduced SMS and Missed Call functionalities to improve consumer services. Consumers registered with WBSEDCL can now lodge ‘No-Power’ complaints by sending a predefined SMS or by giving a missed call. Those who haven’t registered their mobile numbers can use the SMS service for registration. Additionally, consumers can retrieve their last bill and payment details using the SMS service with their registered mobile numbers.

SMS Template and designated Mobile no. for sending the SMS is given below

WBSEDCL Service Information

SL NO: Service Type Activity User Template Send SMS To / Give Missed Call
1 SMS Registration of Mobile Number with WBSEDCL. All Consumers of WBSEDCL REG <9-digit Consumer Id>
2 SMS Enquiry of last raised bill detail Registered Consumers of WBSEDCL BD <9-digit Consumer Id>
3 SMS Enquiry of last five(5) payment detail Registered Consumers of WBSEDCL LPMT <9-digit Consumer Id> 8422990336
4 SMS Raise No Power Complaint Registered Consumers of WBSEDCL NP <9-digit Consumer ID>
5 Missed Call Raise No Power Complaint Registered Consumers of WBSEDCL Give a missed call 8422990337

Defect/Danger in WBSEDCL's network? WhatsApp Photo and Location to 8900793100